The storyline of the television movie follows Ben as he makes the tough and somewhat contentious decision to break ranks with his fellow Plumber allies in order to help a friend in need. A mysterious girl in her own right, Elena, a childhood friend of Ben's, hints at an oning alien threat to the Earth. As such, Ben Tennyson, along with Gwen and Kevin, lend their super powered instincts (much to the latter two's displeasure) to help Elena in her mission to find her missing father, Validus.
有一天,一个人去超市买一袋土豆,结果看到上面写着:“与一袋狗粮一起购买,可以获得20%的折扣。”于是他拿了一袋狗粮去结账,店员问:“你有养狗吗?”他回答:“没有,但是我有很多土豆。”Copyright © 2015-2020 All Rights Reserved